Welcome to MormoVerse the most family-friendly verse of all versesǃ Join fluffy handmade toy Kitten Mormitten on his adventures Under the Pillow‚ a new magical world in VRChatǃ Every night Mormitten travels inside an old couch to find the lost treasures of Yulia and Gosha‚ the two siblings who created him․ Go on a journey into his magical world and follow the story written by the creator’s father over 30 years ago․ MormoVerse is a Raindance Immersive 2023 nominee in Best Immersive Narrative categoryǃ Learn more˸ https˸⁄⁄underthepillowxr․com⁄mormoverseǃ
#kitten #kids #family #story #magic
『MormoVerse˸ Under the Pillow』 不思議で心温まるおとぎ話のようなワールド 動くぬいぐるみモーミティンとなり枕の下の不思議な世界で子供たちのなくしものを探していく チャプターごとのストーリーのオリジナルアニメも良くできている 30分程度のボリュームなのも丁度いい#VRChat_world紹介pic.twitter.com/d9BorHEc8r